Get Involved

The Calling Lake history team is dedicated to working together with the Calling Lake Community Society and everyone living here to build a strong future for this community. We invite you to get involved by helping to gather our history, by joining a local society, or in whatever way works for you.

Get Involved with History​

Share your story

We are seeking memories about all aspects of our community – family histories, business ventures, community milestones and more. Plus photographs, artifacts and documents that help tell the tales. 

Help us hunt and gather

We are looking for people to conduct and transcribe interviews, gather and identify photos and artifacts, staff the Historical Centre, support social media, write stories and more. If you are passionate about the history of Calling Lake, this could be you.

Support the project ​

We are seeking financial and in-kind support from like-minded individuals, organizations and industries, especially those with ties to Calling Lake.

Contact the history committee for any questions:, 780-719-9949 (Kathy), 780-289-8615 (Wilf)

Advertise with us

We welcome opportunities to promote kindred businesses and services in return for financial contributions. To offer your time, expertise and/or financial support, or to become a founding advertiser, please contact the history committee:, 780-719-9949 (Kathy), 780-289-8615 (Wilf)

Get Involved with the Community

Clubs & Societies

Calling Lake Community Society ​

Kito Sakahekan Seniors Society

Calling Lake Sailing and Recreational Club

Calling Lake Quilting Club

Communities in Bloom

Essential Services​

Calling Lake School

Calling Lake Search and Rescue

Calling Lake Fire Department

Calling Lake Library

Calling Lake Community Health Services

Water Matters

A project of the Calling Lake Community Society

Land Acknowledgement

Recognizing that we are all equally responsible to know our shared history and journey forward in good faith, we acknowledge with respect that Calling Lake stands on land, and alongside water, where Indigenous peoples have gathered, hunted, fished and held ceremonies from time immemorial.

Our Funders